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Full text of "Correspondence ?Sartwell (Henry) and Engelmann (George),"

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Bee Vln fe hs 
fi, fn 24° 

Barns Spurr pats to dip hee 8°10 | 
C | | 
DL, teapelenar | 
oe fie 
AN tho Lk, nev 4 she ant (yp 
Richens 7 fisae: y is bas FE lo liste 
yrur on Me Full ee df arn Ly chougs cf : 
Dhol 5 rae J qo Lge ¢ eS. ao fo» : oe 
rors fat? t ottairttz- Urgpafibo ff 
al A ha hiaies (Mie ere irr, Cofrvelly 
se, fer wer i Se Ss b(t o, pen Vict aa 1) 
S haf Cut puyv? yrx tal hi thins 
oe (Wa hee the LLL fe yt ee ds ur fee, 
rere fire Carte ote write tp Ch yo Y ant 
ho hee Yt (1.4 u hho D § Ce any oe 
I IT ee Oe uf Ps is / kes 
Ce tars, 0} a tds f ipeurt- Qe rhea) Yur 
LZ €¢ oe : Me. A Leing At they A ue | 
wih dttye (pour Wer Ksrtt 
ed 2A AS ne Me po) We Jar a 

ae ae bisected’ 

D) a 4 5 6 7 8 9 46 MISSOURI 

copyright reserved GARDEN 


5 6 7 8 9.49 MISSOURI 
copyright reserved GARDEN 

mee : 
be AL oH ON 

Gor rs nly, Seer 3-160 
| sinks A Ge (] rt, Le Ow 
| heota® FS Lice fretfevV % ere that 
ee PR ag rath pee beeline eee 

A ptols t/ (Vee iL vee FE fee Ps) Creer wtidl Wada 

ya tah ty ha toratirs Har fier <i J 
frrunty a1) Vi vaavy 7. a“L> fr Ur atl in te _| 
4, phe Qu, Ae. Flees ciik OQri]erlly pe 
i: “ft Penwe ace i L ealc, ug Hoth ri, 
Vie Greg is bern he2? iim. faut fer 
nib [pa ireg ron Say eee Same OP eee 
fx Py ae pie Fey Z) yf fetoces Jj. db f Mrcage : 
ben ben, 7} ee Levrifvcremgu > Zit... | 
ee Tirreng hit? (os To ie a) pane ~ 
| AeA. felnemrfure, whine Dhar find iting, 
: Ow Ma-Genre Lar at, SO Meta | 

Sind on: 4} ti” 

eee ores 

Lee tt Ft neh A? Lleipup SarGs fr few | 

OY Jens Mane wa tS4 forticiabaty oramen) 
iy, ea a op 

0 1 See, Ea 5 6 7 8 G6: 545 MISSOURI 
| copyright reserved Oe es 

aH) howe fn le Fe ya WF ANbewe 
lohat Dh ove Pon tue. he nt 
[pers me betes Tonal ge lie 
ND We Danone tke ornrnr off neha, 
fasnitly yrs rmroy ford them be romney 
fs, bb? rr frre Meharner, hich 
Si fh Stans. from Nix bout. Catleche bern 
qo heap hna wit wrth tifa Hee. 
luhnt X call Jha fhan onluenra 3 ilintéfal 
ix Hod pec A huffin atria s Kes 
a a 
perenrty [rere Aida Lise Af Genii | Poe 
hilthe A patel Ap elle x dtigsisth Aetunttitois bata 
recfroer ww Wii Nepete Negt seme 
bere as raprifthon Cahnvrm ats). 2. glee 
g potin tPotthadom taste, hha Seu)? Bo [rvs 
aM pre Aad lists Cina Or. yori ON: 
ahs otitAg Monteiro AM. rhprato. 
Me trad akZ OT a os De 
QurAhs egos ung trp 00 hacotee 


copyright reserved GARDEN 


TF haps weve oP Basin, tomihhen b | 
bx th. old colgrete nS ute). 
Pas. A? > fond on Pr Lhe 
| pafierse fe. bY, Be lned Aer Prnee 
yore eas Se Pde 
LB cre 1 ipso eg. Bi dy ioe Mite pron say 
lex 3 tex see Laugh & both at 
J Luff pure yr ane omen Vat ipne 
Zt ey (PRES & Meili 
tally lor gnntt7 by PROSE pie att is 
Te DD efor [ds Y Kane lane We 
tellectinr i} (tess Ah -— tk rn toda Th. 
s Cop bevelter alt Deke i lathe wr 
iB d a te i? bene for 7 
pea ie Phos Prey sega: not.) aty 
Se a prow 146 t= Ibo 
Aa cess, covnectty tahetlod good Lfecrrr 
Da op ltireg Le iet Maddie 
fron bhnatd tire 0. Lie. Pratl 
ao 8 ) po Coreg 7 tar YorReco Lavy, Blot * 
77/3 at DHA Apche, Ma ec 


copyright reserved GARDEN 

Kacertes We thd laa) tpl Cg, far 
Dies esnices D Sah fetgirt | 
nr tetha nny los Qe jy. 3 
ss De G i. brn 

trial by Y bev 


Ss Let ypn PArtipreap Mee ite at uae. 

bE ers i ae 4: port femme [hd 

bus fLergerr, YWrrtace le, ),, 4 A pla 
wi bpiu— Ailes i 
ee aaa, mets 

SES eg MN 


10 MissOuURI 

copyright reserved GARDEN 

: ee LE 
i _ oe Sf oS Oe 

Wie Yours Yo te Ce. Ny, Nay ah (Yb4 

on : lore og0 ap Nee 2 : e A te 
Lille lp yb te Bi tee ei fur ue ee 
Aen fares ok tir Poae fed ee Ljpve 
(Narn29 ! SA phnrvretior aber “)} a aud Jee tid ha, 
Aewte one, OE: notvir Ag Ea ee Lye re 
d Ves bar = aod Mdeag the Ctra tat eee 

¥ Cltur- pase Lipier- Dhinn fs Viamn hers Aon 
Ow Norrie. O SA Ounk yflier S prt cers 4f Mage 
= po ia! Kai? - hse o Aare Coy. Sie 
Doshofs Monigh ffarnt ectuputire yauwey 
Aeciax ff trp allen At: Get ts A Jy puree omer 
Dee ee ace photo af; bi AZ hore 
(W0t yet feer o ba Bias. Din meh 
hoa tht uve 2h Mine” lnc , L114 [otis 
AL PEELS To tp Dror? futfirsumat CatO 
Mop ( Ug Foun 15 Acer fp Or Yr J A. 

ve - vevety J if = ah - tly if Lt ttt’) 
Nb1 ay Po Satine 

Do 4.28 344.55 -6€ 72° 8 8 Missouri 
: copyright reserved 



7 8 9 10 MISSOURI 
copyright reserved GARDEN 

Be A B/ 
fe HS 

Doar VYour., wt Y. bas, 28" (5 

Jo fe, 
ete, m CHE fr yor Sat 
(Wavy Bb- L bin atieee Yt eta eS anr 
| ce aun tts Crarsel, tH how teem 
e Wacteng, Lonassisth ode sanefpsith sists A Cog Un 
pon Arr Aue ht ped A Kin hs areas 
> a ae lw fhe ) [hes bashes teal 
| oa} ave Corian Je Up La Lah 0 GS ope te 
eas A, A] flea MWtrr427 ArlL Neer 0S aia CU 7" 
Onere*E atbigee? for e. copy pp sain Mandate 
iciron Sita, hic the Avordftiras 4) purse 
trek: ne AR ielbe, then Conlle 
AL aT Vereen, a cey - J was putters wip 
huss Cae A amaghte pet th tatiels ehonige 
7 pies, of yer pele for opirmnticy Aheors t7armen, 
po. ee oom Lonut#V the Wich lo fer 

to<2 9. 45 6. 7: 8 8 ae pissoe 
: copyright reserved CaAR DEN 

ot et “ lassie Gp eae 
por wp fomn ete f hi ee 
with furtd Chats - pat hand Couns, Lt 
5a, a agae A 
cong lel sty king 
Kay Ho shen d® Bl ek 

Yre terete yor trpudd the, @ pete 
lo-s poner? PRR fretosoufouo, cult, 
Mette b ty git ks hs awe gf The , 
al ae 
aca hs hon 4 ne 
bs hedged > al ua 
ota Precio A (aid, A) Grr appar? Moh, 
Manotis. CH yds Mater ADD Spfrecttrrarncr SYS Come 
ane (hoknsws, sien 26% atl J Corn far? — 
ath Ae oe fet? | 



copyright reserved Caen rn 

J dapfors: yon Prorarne ney lll Mag Db" | 
Ld Ye? teranotuerd: Lik Pa £0 beliAry 
clita Brrvesforvbleato colo a) WA ee 

Ge a Cs I PU Pa” hy 

q. =49 MISSOURI 
copyright reserved GARDEN 

Mi gy Are } 
SSOUh! ~. TANICAL GaRpiiy 


in as: 
S448 6 7°87. 8 71 cotssour 
copyright reserved GARD Ss 

nae! fe ih at ER Ts a me Te a er ee. 

a Jo (ae LN 
re, Sage aS a : eo. 

Bora Yor Wp Soft /2* (FB 
Mn beg lamas | 
slows Sis 
5 Haine put vip fer Ue ete 
A) dA apbhere oe | bueaes Mee, Le hati nd: Di ugh & 
AML Hflouket lective fy Grererdmestl 
abi liinte Sfro a eS Moll auth Mate 
A ae Una tr le Le Die Seantd Peter N- 
| 77 whee poon Lowber  / ee 0 tps (ta t Your 
BE yaw dShnwtd ash. Mb bale for Ibo, 
couregyrutly SC dark? be lf Balin, — 
al Peso anaes PPb19 LA ote nssias 4] 
| wes ye aiteuttw Jud tohdy 120 Or Mere 
) ttle tes fhe Tf pu Y Koel: yrav 

\ L 2 A J 
me OVE A Lytu 12 ete 4, Li. Btu iod ye 


At nfliiw maw a Spurs forts Clages ~~ 

We fret? bos i Oa wie oh Cie OG a eee Sf Var - jt os Mt. 
Cf bf te 044 Hicyees Veh, (rN. | fe poral “ee 

ne Shoceal eg erd fr Serivces tinh Aut 
a poe pe Mae baad 1. AA ae y wT a Viphee | 

} al O gaé eg eae AL Se ikerry fant 

P come 

i a a am an Co nm 

a ie. 

copyright reserved GARDEN 

Speers f prev Hg gpe 1 J Ties 
bie 8 Pe re ELIS, pores Acta ae 
yi Specs jee couofirF, — neblesuo Ik as 
p, higicee Mat? a goth a ta Bags Cf 
Yau ate Aas fory Yew weiatis atl p> 
ee > het? > Vhacephee Missy Mig h & he Linmelta 
De haviitkivlnt Je 
Me poe a “y yous Year a OO tes Lk 
Phat vii 28) pce: yy Mw re ) POS LO 
hat yur ptor me for EtSern0e othe 
the 5 $2 do Powe fw what Mey 
ies, Pah WO ee when BO 
Da dda wi, Spt tence ted 
hia db be Lito? [hur duet joy Mey 
for tet us pochoype Vid pos vs uneloved 
Pe One 0 1B. Bi AE aerate M BY on ) hake 
tb wuputd Saue £SOn< pf Ake Cl 
tath gu Wy, Yhrirnard ow jee yk 
D shoter uct et & tho Epprsrs fad. Torna oer 
OI By Shar o: govt dud ttf. 
that? Ae ole Sh afth— 00 Br, Dhurinad 
kelarnit} i 90.9 thawtl ths, tr 
Watt ophit vex Sc cut, Gato WA opiudibe 

8 9 =10 MiIssOURI 
copyright reserved 

Gy ate the bates 1, Ht 5 ae 
hits Ip. Ek Moutv hj 

DN Des 5 “wg ¢ bia hie Anais 
ee yp fel The P aches c Auth 
bE Lee A LOE tu aC Your Vcc. 

Zp ta, Cointied, Pl 

J Suppers yan COL WwWinate tas ter ) 606 
Bk Me Ga Se 
Ai a 

Hat OA i 

03S. Bue ise oe 

455 6 7. ° 8s 9 8 MissouRt 

copyright reserved GARDEN 



D> to 2 3 a8 68s Ge ee 

copyright reserved GARDER 

in ont the far arag ACrve et 
re oe Ci. pecker. od, 

¢ Yi dog Pat yrie toarth ev Citle 
| fart vlelece of te batty edhe 
a es tented? Chae locally 
Bhar — AKO 5 JEU. atin fru of ld 
pore tla eB adios Sarg hdr Dy xl hie 
, aro a koa 

mm es GR ae oon oS “~s : 

6 7 -10 MISSOURI 


copyright reserved GARDEN 

Vrrac, Matt J cad lnullianos = 

hn aicitear ff Rupthivte of, Chun age, 
ThA? 9 Shit? Whe ped Ye. Mo They 
PRP es > 1 HE. GEG 

ae Sm ps 

8 Oo: 46 MISSOURI 


copyright reserved GARDEN 

pt ips Me hin as age 
re or awe one Cty , Aud) Yar Grrr 
nace psec iv Katte d bef AF — 
rite yrs 0 Medi nar Your 

Dita fle << hs Cte 

m. | “a 

i a a ES eae" 

copyright reserved GARDEN 

ay wo JER 
WHSSUUnm) wes “ 7 


6 7 8 | G->-40 MissOuURI 
copyright reserved GARDEN 

( / My 


)) is Vaca : Lug / h& J 

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ha tt A 

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eee 6. 3. 
UA [AF 1A ( fAA 
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2 10 

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j / a, f , 
f f { 5 ‘ i f tt 44 vg fk ; (7 7 4 SAA S< 44. 
f 44 r Crr4 é ; iM 2, 7) 1 ff ae 
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fa f “i 4 VUA_E > 1A 4 1 - GE 4 * ee a SA fe 
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4 Lg L}, Asst’, Cteriuée Ct-L11 le [ALE GS19 
/ RG 7 
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fi, 2t4 Leulbe t4AZ | Sl et t« ELLLEL a, . f fT foo 

Pie, f / f°, 
FYA COC Leu se SY Ocal A -AAA (2 btutotrpiat 
his fe) pa p> Ses ; / ; 
S/S LAAL LAA att tA L144 JE f\ Ant 3 fA \iltLla tli “ 
os ff 
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4A ' t 1 fA i IAL t r Ve x 
é } 
a yay 
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v ( £-% f f ee f l14.4779 
(ACHMMN A Ab Attausell: 


copyright reserved GARDEN 

6 7 8 9: "40 MISSOURI 
copyright reserved GARDEN 


6 8 9 10 MIssSOURI 
copyright reserved GARDEN 

ae Yours, Y byes Wsh7 
Dy Sng cbrsoss 
Pr fi 
Lu EH ee hus, A hank yar 
a free Bis A hidied) thea er ttteetb? ee, 
ntepsylirrs, a placa Chk oe Thaught mig 
posse ee vant of lve, Nha oa 
Keni? prove pace +) fare the Corrinr Uwe 
Sica es J (piper Pane fae [eevee < 
enc Ait ole vot hmv JS facet 
We Ca Suanp nat for pore Fh 

ac thik of he 

le Yue an dng he Want A fete BESS gOoe of 

Bue ne oh the, O- net yet (oo OTe 

bo fet ee Irewhu Y, a pleuly, 

Nw thee pie Vee PREM, ee lite yar | 

yes With yin flere Pee nee | 
Poles ee ] jlaran | 

v4 8 G° 40 MIissOURI 

copyright reserved GARDEN 

a ; ~~ 
. * + Ss sili 
W as Ss oe 


1 a a Ue 3 6) 7 8 9 .10 MissouR! 

, copyright reserved GARDEN